Přednáška Cynthia Schmidt, J.D. na téma: How Did We Get Here?

Úterý 9 květen 2017 13:15 - 15:00

The Political, Economic and Religious Influences Resulting in a President Trump

The United States has never before had a president lacking government or military experience, and yet Donald Trump now leads both the U.S. government and military. President Trump is unlike any president the U.S. has ever had in many ways. What forces resulted in a President Trump? What led up to this politically, and economically? To what degree do American voters choose their candidate because of religious issues, or from influence by their ministers? Was this an unusual set of circumstances or will the U.S. see something similar in years to come?
The lecture is part of the series Pluralism in Economics; free entry.

Přednáška je součástí cyklu Pluralismus v ekonomii, vstup volný.

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Jihočeská univerzita, Ekonomická fakulta, pavilon učeben F, učebna F3
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