Přednášky prof. Ryozo Miury s názvem "2007-2009 financial crisis (Subprime loan crisis)"

Úterý 24 duben 2018 09:45 - 11:15

Přednáška na téma: Finanční krize 2007 - 2009 (krize trhu rizikových úvěrů)

Ekonomická fakulta JU si Vás dovoluje pozvat přednášeku prof. Ryozo Miury (Hitotsubashi University) s názvem

2007-2009 financial crisis (Subprime loan crisis). Přednáška bude vedena v angličtině. 


2007-2009 financial crisis (Subprime loan crisis)

Describing so-called subprime (housing) loans, I would like to discuss how these loans were securitized and how the securities were designed and sold to investors including European institutional investors. with the macro-financial market background. These were seen as part of regulatory arbitrage that is to take advantage of finding gaps between reality and regulation and the arbitrage were geared with financial technologies. I would like to put more focus on the financial technologies involved there: Securitization / Re-securitization and derivatives such as Credit Default Swap(CDS), CDO square, Synthetic CDO.

Jihočeská univerzita, Ekonomická fakulta, pavilon učeben F, učebna F5
Jméno kontaktu
doc. RNDr. Jana Klicnarová, Ph.D.
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