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Doctoral studies

The doctoral study program Economics and Management is carried out in the sense of § 47 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. about universities.

At the Faculty of Economics of the University of South Bohemia it is possible to study the doctoral study program Economics and Management, which is accredited until 2025.

The standard study period is 4 years. The doctoral study program is offered in full-time and combined form of study in Czech and English.

The aim of the doctoral study program Economics and Management is to prepare students for their future work in the positions of academic or research staff in the field of economics and management and for managerial activities in the highest positions of organizations in the private or public sector.

The graduate of the doctoral study program is, based on the acquired knowledge and skills, able to independently solve research problems in the field of economics and management using critical thinking and methods of scientific work with regard to the ethical context and related contexts. The graduate is able to analyze, evaluate and design systems related to the management and economics of companies and institutions using advanced quantitative and qualitative business research methods. He understands corporate governance as a system that is determined by the factors of the external and internal environment, which is able to define and thus provide the basis for management decision-making. When setting up management systems, it uses current theoretical knowledge in the field of economics and management and also takes into account trends affecting the environment of companies such as Industry 4.0, process management, digitization, innovative business, globalization, transformation of the world economy, sustainability principles, etc. can present to the professional public, even in English. He is competent to independently acquire and solve research and other projects.

The graduate has acquired deep knowledge in the field of economics, management, quantitative and qualitative methods, methodology of scientific work and in connection with the topic of the dissertation also in the field of economics, financial management, marketing, trade, stochastic models, regional development management and information systems.

Applicants for the new Academic Year 

Deadline: extended till May 31st, 2025

  • The current study fee for the English doctoral study program Economics and Management is EUR 3,300 / per academic year and an individual contract is signed with each successful student.
  • Recognition of foreign higher education at USB

Application Fee information:

Beneficiary's name: University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice
Beneficiary's address: Branisovska 1645/31a, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice
Bank name: CSOB
Bank account number: 104725778/0300
Swift/BIC code: CEKOCZPP
IBAN number: CZ4603000000000131975908 
Reference code: - date of birth

Please when you pay for the Application, make sure, that we will receive 700 CZK – you have to consider the bank transfer fees.

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