Improving soft skills for the 21st century in career counseling: Transfer of V4 experience
This Project was created through the mutual cooperation of the Czech Republic, Armenia, Hungary and Slovakia.
Project Implementation Period: from July 2024 to December 2025
The „Improving soft skills for the 21st century in career counseling: Transfer of V4 experience“ Project is realized by University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice (USB), Czech Republic and in partnership with Armenian National Agrarian University in Armenia (ANAU), Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra in Slovakia (SUA) and Budapest Business University in Hungary (BBU). This Project is financed through Visegrad+ grant.

Main focus area can be desribed as „Education and Capacity Building,Improving hard and soft skills for the 21st century through formal and non-formal educational methods“. The goal of the project is to create, with the support of USB, SUA and BBU soft skills modules for the ANAU Career Center, to develop an evaluation of career counseling at ANAU and to create a monograph of soft skills in career counseling. Teaching new soft skills modules will increase the competitiveness of ANAU graduates. Evaluation ensure continuous improvement. Monography spreads knowledge.
All three universities from the V4 countries involved in the project have long-term experienced trainers and
researchers dedicated to soft skills. Experts from ANAU know very well the socio-economic environment of Armenia
and the needs of ANAU students and graduates. The project team, made up of the above-mentioned experts, will
combine and synthesize knowledge, provide mutual inspiration and produce outputs that will help solve the current
The project team will:
1) create, develop and train staff in this soft skills educational modules: a) "selfpresentation" in order to
increase success in job interviews, b) "selfmanagement" - to master the ability to work remotely, c) "wellbeing" - to
improve mental well-being,
2) prepare a framework for evaluating career counseling to create a basis for comparing the level of career
counseling and creating conditions for improvement,
3) research and then write the monograph "Soft skills in career counseling" for international inspiration and
joint development. The cooperation, inspiration and synthesis of partners' knowledge will contribute to the
development of career counseling and thus to the career success of ANAU students and graduates who are resisting
high unemployment and the consequences of the covid pandemic.