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International relations
The Department of Trade and Tourism is responsible for the study programme of Commerce and Entrepreneurship in the Czech language, which is being offered at both the undergraduate bachelor (specializations Trade, Tourism) and master level – either as full-time or part-time forms of study.
The Department of Trade and Tourism is responsible for the study programme of Commerce and Entrepreneurship in the Czech language, which is being offered at both the undergraduate bachelor (specializations Trade, Tourism) and master level – either as full-time or part-time forms of study. This master study programme is being offered also in English.
The department is also responsible for teaching in various other subjects in other study programmes provided both by the Faculty of Economics and other faculties of the University of South Bohemia.
We currently offer the following subjects in English:
Our department focuses on applied research for our regional partners (e.g. E.ON, Zeelandia etc.) but we also collaborate on research with universities from Australia (Victoria University, Melbourne), USA (Amstrong State University, Savannah), Slovakia (University of Agriculture, Nitra), France (Universite de Bretagne - Sud), Germany (University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau) or Slovenia (Univerza na Primorskem, Koper).
Research activities of the Department of Trade and Tourism cover a wide range of topics related to trade, tourism and marketing. Amongst others, it is important to mention the following ones:
We also co-organized several conferences - mainly Inproforum and TourConf/TourWork. And the list of our publications is available here.
Ing. Roman Švec, Ph.D.
+420 387 772 494
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Studentská 13, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel.: +420 387 772 800 |
Studentská 13, 370 05 České Budějovice Tel.: +420 387 772 800 |
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